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Article Spinner Pro

Pegue (Ctrl + V) su artículo a continuación y haga clic en Enviar para ver cómo rewriter hace este artículo.

Acerca de Article Spinner Pro

Article Rewriter is one of the most powerful and most commonly used SEO tools today. It will help you produce more articles with just a single content. It will scan the original article, spin/ rephrase some sentences and replace some words that can be replaced with a synonym in order to come up with a brand new unique article.


The words and phrases that will be rephrased and changed will be highlighted so it will be easier for you to review the new content. You can just easily click on that word or phrase if you prefer to revert it back to its original form or use another synonym of the word.


How Can This Tool Produce Quality Content?

Some website owners and other customers are afraid about not getting quality content using this SEO tool. Well, there is actually no need to be worried knowing that this Article Rewriter is known to be the best of its kind.


There have been over 500,000 additional synonyms added to this tool to make it much better than before. Also, with more synonyms, it will be possible for you to make more articles out of the original content. No matter how many new articles you get from just using this SEO tool, it is guaranteed that those new articles will pass Copyscape or any plagiarism checker.


If you have this SEO tool, then you won’t have to waste so many time in writing or re-writing too many articles. You can just easily use this tool and get the articles you need in a snap. However, you have to use this tool with precautions as well.


First of all, you have to make sure to use a quality article when using this tool. Second, though you can produce two, three or more articles, as much as possible, avoid making too many versions of the original content to avoid the possibility of your posts or sites being labeled as a spam.



- Support of 7 Languages

  1. English
  2. Dutch
  3. French
  4. Spanish
  5. Germany
  6. Turkish
  7. Indonesian

- Better recognise capitalized letters and make them capital letter!
- Download the article as HTML and TXT Format
- Support Spintax Format