Donate Button Generator

Add a donate button to your website

Note:   Paste the above code before closing your body tag and also Jquery library is required to execute the code.

Acerca de Donate Button Generator

Paypal Donate Button Generator

If you run a website related to these topics, then this Paypal donation button tool would be very useful for you.

1. Charity
2. Animal-Related
3. Healthcare
4. Medical Research
5. Housing & Shelter
6. Religion-Related
7. Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief

and much more... You can also use our Chrome App.


Troubleshooting: -


1. If your website is based on simple HTML or doesn't have jQuery, then place this code above the button code.

<!-- jQuery 1.10.2 -->
<script src=""></script>


2. Step by step video tutorials on how to create and setup on your different platforms.


Blogging platforms

- WordPress
- Blogger
- Joomla
- Tumblr
- Weebly


Forum platforms

- VBulletin
- phpBB
- Simple Machines Forum
- IP.Board
- XenForo